Thursday, 01 February 2018
A perpetual complaint about the lack of vacations is inadequate time. How often have we dreamed of sunny beaches or quiet riverine hideaways or even jungle retreats but put it all aside for the omnipresent shadow of deadlines? It’s time to forget about them – at least for the moment. Focus instead, on the more attainable. Long weekend holidays in Goa are here to stay. Pack your bags for a couple of overnights and you’re on your way to stress-busting heaven.
Long weekend holidays in Goa give you the chance to dip your feet into relaxation, grab a change of scene and switch off completely (without being missed too much!). We’re bringing you the full calendar of what to expect this coming year so you can schedule your flights to Goa well ahead of time.
2018 Best long weekend holidays in Goa
Carnival in Goa
February 10-13, 2018
It’s the only place in India that actually invites a riot in the tradition of an ancient Roman and Greek custom celebrating spring. The good-natured merrymaking, fun and dancing runs rampage through the streets of Goa’s main towns – starting with Panjim on a Saturday. Float parades bear colourful representations of traditions, political and social commentary, with music and parties through the night. This unique festivity is a sight to behold.
Stay: Saturday room at Fort Tiracol Heritage Hotel
March 01-04, 2018
The festival of colours takes on a different hue in Goa. Head to Fort Tiracol Heritage Hotel for a respite from the world of chemical colours and noise, and take in the vibrant tones of nature and its happy sounds. The festival is not as widely celebrated in Goa as it is in north India, but you will still find colourful pockets wherever you go. If you’re keen on indulging, head out early for some fun in the sun, and get some relaxation in before you hit the party strip for an all-nighter.
Stay: Thursday room at Fort Tiracol Heritage Hotel
March 29-April 01, 2018
This long weekend holiday in Goa is generally a prayerful one. But that doesn’t mean you will miss out on the fun side. Local bakeries are filled with one-of-a-kind cinnamon-flavoured hot cross buns, as well as chocolate and marzipan eggs and bunnies that take up room on the shelves. Come Easter Sunday and household dining rooms will be laid out with the finest tableware and every Goan dish imaginable. Stop by at Tavern @ Fort Tiracol Heritage Hotel for a taste of Easter festivities.
Stay: Sunday room at Fort Tiracol Heritage Hotel
Independence Day
August 15, 2018
Nobody celebrates Independence Day in India like they do in Goa. From a patriotic fervor during the day, it moves to a heady mix of music and celebrations through the night. This probably doesn’t qualify among our other more traditional long weekend holidays in Goa, but here’s when you pitch your best ‘sick voice’ and proceed to switch off your phone for a couple of days.
Stay: Wednesday room at Fort Tiracol Heritage Hotel
Ganesh Chaturthi
September 13-16, 2018
Ganesh Chaturthi is Goa’s biggest religious festival. It’s a time for family, food, and friendships. Among the more unique amongst other long weekend holidays in Goa – this time will reveal a whole slew of dishes you don’t normally associate with this beautiful state. You may not enjoy vegetarian or vegan food on a typical trip to Goa, but Chovoth is one time of year you’ll be guaranteed a meat-free feast of epic proportions.
Stay: Take your pick at Fort Tiracol Heritage Hotel
October 18-21, 2018
Here’s a festival that brings with it the start of the winter tourist season in Goa. As the state turns more cosmopolitan, you will find a variety of Navratri dances involving garba and dandiya. It’s a great way to engage with the Gujarati community here, many of whom have been in Goa for generations without losing sight of their traditions. Take advantage of this very Traditional amongst long weekend holidays in Goa and celebrate Gujju style.
Stay: Friday room at Fort Tiracol Heritage Hotel
November 03-11, 2018
Goans dance to a different beat at Diwali. While the aakash divos are hung up, and pontis or lamps light the entrance of every home, the festival takes on a community spirit with the building of an effigy of Narakasura – the evil demon killed by Krishna. The night before Diwali, it goes up in flames with dancing in the streets till the wee hours. On Diwali, there are fireworks in every neighborhood and the casinos are filled with revellers looking for luck.
Stay: Monday room at Fort Tiracol Heritage Hotel
Christmas with a view at Fort Tiracol Goa
December 25, 2018
We enter the thick of the tourist season with Christmas. There are parties literally every night and homes are strung with lights and festive decor. Get away from the rush with a quiet Christmas weekend at Fort Tiracol Heritage Hotel. If you’d like a touch of the spiritual, you can attend the service at St Anthony’s Church located in the centre of the fort. This is Christmas with a difference, a Christmas not unlike that quiet night 2000 years ago that inspired it all.
Stay: Tuesday room at Fort Tiracol Heritage Hotel
If you live in Goa, there are tons more reasons to get away to Fort Tiracol Heritage Hotel for the very traditional off-beat of long weekend holidays. Head here for Shigmo (Saturday, April 07), May Day (Tuesday, May 01), Sao Joao (Sunday, June 24), Feast of St Francis Xavier (Monday, December 03) and Liberation Day (Wednesday, December 19).